In this video you will learn how to make a desert model for school projects, exhibitions and science fair. You will also learn how to make desert plants like cactus, palm etc. You will also learn to make sand dunes. Hope you will enjoy the video.
In this video, you will be learning how to make a realistic miniature tree model out of woolen thread for school projects and science exhibitions. You can use this tree for your project work and for decorating your interior space.
In this video i will be showing you how to make a mountain model with a working river for school projects and exhibitions. I have shown how to make a snow mountain and a rocky mountain. This model can be used for projects and interior decoration also
In this video i will be showing you how to make a global warming working model and air pollution working model for school projects and science exhibitions. You will understand how to make a snow capped mountains and glaciers for project work. You will understand what is global warming and how to reduce global warming. This project model will increase you environmental awareness
In this video, children will be learning how to build a forest model for school projects. You will also learn how to build a working river model with a realistic mountain model. This video also includes poaching, hunting and illegal wildlife trade model for project and exhibition purposes. This video contains written explanation on poaching and its effects. It will be total fun and improve children's GK and environmental awareness.
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